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XML and JavaScript


March 06 02010, 02:55 GMT
Kelp is good!

Pikachu's avatar
Location: California
Post count: 50
Okay, I've discovered the sheer easiness of creating a Google Chrome extension, so now I'm trying to do just that. I'm developing a Prayer Times (a timetable thing for Muslims so that they know if it's time to pray when they're browsing the web) and I'm using XML instead of a MySQL database for the extension. This is an example of how the XML page looks:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
<month name="January">
<day value="1">
<day value="2">
<day value="3">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<month name="January">
<day value="1">
<day value="2">
<day value="3">

I'm having a problem being able to select the times of a specific date in Javascript. Say I want the time for "asr" on the "1" of "January". How would I do that in JavaScript? I want to be able to change months and days as well. This is what I have so far in JavaScript:
 <style type="text/css">
 body {
   min-width: 357px;
   overflow-x: hidden;
 <p><b>Imsaak:</b> <span id="imsaak"></span><br />
 <b>Fajr:</b> <span id="fajr"></span></p>
 <script type="text/javascript">
 xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest()"GET","praytimes.xml",false);
 xmlDoc = xhttp.responseXML;
 document.getElementById("imsaak").innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("imsaak")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
 document.getElementById("fajr").innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("fajr")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
<style type="text/css">
body {
min-width: 357px;
overflow-x: hidden;

<p><b>Imsaak:</b> <span id="imsaak"></span><br />
<b>Fajr:</b> <span id="fajr"></span></p>

<script type="text/javascript">
xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest()"GET","praytimes.xml",false);
xmlDoc = xhttp.responseXML;

document.getElementById("imsaak").innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("imsaak")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
document.getElementById("fajr").innerHTML = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("fajr")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;

Thanks, dudes.

Linux | Chrome | Python | Chuck

March 07 02010, 22:36 GMT

SpaceMan's avatar
Location: Earth
Post count: 32
Here is the example code of how it should be done.
 const monthNames = ["", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
 var date = new Date();
 var monthName = monthNames[date.getMonth()], day = date.getDay();
 // A list of /praytimes/month nodes
 var months = xmlDoc.documentElement.childNodes, month;
 // loop through all /praytimes/month nodes
 for (var i in months) {
   // here is how to access attribute
   if (months[i].attributes.getNamedItem("name") == monthName) {
     // found it.
     month = months[i];
 var days = month.childNodes, day;
 // find the /praytimes/month/day
 for (var i in days) {
   if (days[i].attributes.getNamedItem("value") == day) {
     day = days[i];
 // lazy programming technique
 var list = ["imsaak", "fajr", "sunrise", "dhuhr", "asr", "sumset", "magrib", "isha"];
 for (var i in list) {
   var time = list[i];
   // /praytimes/month/day/<time>.text
   document.getElementById(time).innerHTML = day.getElementsByTagName(time)[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
 // how do you handle unfilled data?
const monthNames = ["", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];

var date = new Date();
var monthName = monthNames[date.getMonth()], day = date.getDay();

// A list of /praytimes/month nodes
var months = xmlDoc.documentElement.childNodes, month;
// loop through all /praytimes/month nodes
for (var i in months) {
// here is how to access attribute
if (months[i].attributes.getNamedItem("name") == monthName) {
// found it.
month = months[i];

var days = month.childNodes, day;
// find the /praytimes/month/day
for (var i in days) {
if (days[i].attributes.getNamedItem("value") == day) {
day = days[i];

// lazy programming technique
var list = ["imsaak", "fajr", "sunrise", "dhuhr", "asr", "sumset", "magrib", "isha"];
for (var i in list) {
var time = list[i];
// /praytimes/month/day/<time>.text
document.getElementById(time).innerHTML = day.getElementsByTagName(time)[0].firstChild.nodeValue;

// how do you handle unfilled data?

I don't know if it works, I can't test it.

For this type of data, you should consider alternatives such as JSON and plaintext, XML is too "fat".


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