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I have a MySQL Query


July 24 02009, 18:36 GMT
A Pythonic One

Peter's avatar
Location: US
Post count: 99

lol I couldn't resist...

Anyway. Editing a user bio.

<form action="?id=usercp" method="post"> 
<textarea name="bio">

<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<form action="?id=usercp" method="post">
<textarea name="bio">

<input type="submit" value="Submit">

$bio = htmlspecialchars($_POST['bio']); 

$query = "INSERT INTO users (bio)
values('" . $bio . "')";
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
$bio = htmlspecialchars($_POST['bio']);

$query = "INSERT INTO users (bio)
values('" . $bio . "')";
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

If I write "Hey I'm Peter" on the form, it comes up with a MySQL error thanks to the apostrophe. I want users to be able to use apostrophes... how can I fix it? ;-;

July 24 02009, 19:45 GMT
Kelp is good!

Pikachu's avatar
Location: California
Post count: 50
Use addslashes().
$bio = htmlspecialchars($_POST['bio']);
$bio2 = addslashes($bio);
$query = "UPDATE users SET bio='".$bio2."' WHERE username='".$username."'";
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
$bio = htmlspecialchars($_POST['bio']);
$bio2 = addslashes($bio);
$query = "UPDATE users SET bio='".$bio2."' WHERE username='".$username."'";
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

I would use update rather than insert.

Linux | Chrome | Python | Chuck

July 25 02009, 16:05 GMT
A Pythonic One

Peter's avatar
Location: US
Post count: 99

When I'm retrieving the data, can I remove the slashes?

July 25 02009, 20:17 GMT
Kelp is good!

Pikachu's avatar
Location: California
Post count: 50
There's no need to remove the slashes. For example:
echo "I\'m Peter";
echo "I\'m Peter";

This would echo "I'm Peter". Adding slashes just allows you to input apostrophes into the database, so that you won't get an error.

Linux | Chrome | Python | Chuck

July 26 02009, 02:23 GMT
A Pythonic One

Peter's avatar
Location: US
Post count: 99

OH, I see now. I should have known that... anyway. Won't mysql_real_escape_string do the same?

July 26 02009, 02:56 GMT
Kelp is good!

Pikachu's avatar
Location: California
Post count: 50
mysql_real_escape_string makes sure that someone doesn't try to drop your tables. I'm not too sure if it adds slashes, since I haven't used it in awhile.

Linux | Chrome | Python | Chuck

July 26 02009, 04:16 GMT
A Pythonic One

Peter's avatar
Location: US
Post count: 99

Apparently it does, because it let me add the data without a MySQL error. :D

Will this work for a user registration script?

function register()  
$query = "INSERT INTO users (user, password, usergroup, email, regdate)
values('" . $_POST['user'] . "', '" . $_POST['password'] . "', 'user', '" . $_POST['email'] . "', CURDATE()";
function register()
$query = "INSERT INTO users (user, password, usergroup, email, regdate)
values('" . $_POST['user'] . "', '" . $_POST['password'] . "', 'user', '" . $_POST['email'] . "', CURDATE()";

I think it should add all the data. I haven't put in the script to check whether or not the user exists or the email exists. I'm also unsure about the CURDATE() thing.

EDIT: I took out the CURDATE() thing for now... I'll figure that out later. Here's the modified code.

//Add the user into the users MySQL table 
function register()
$query = "SELECT * FROM users
WHERE user='" . $_POST['user'] . "'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$rowcount = mysql_num_rows($result);

$query = "SELECT * FROM users
WHERE email='" . $_POST['email'] . "'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$rowcount2 = mysql_num_rows($result);

if($rowcount != 0)
echo "The username you entered is taken... please enter another. ";

elseif($rowcount2 != 0)
echo "The email you entered is taken... please enter another. ";

$query = "INSERT INTO users (user, password, usergroup, email)
values('".$_POST['user']."', '".md5($_POST['password'])."', 'user', '".$_POST['email']."')";
//Add the user into the users MySQL table
function register()
$query = "SELECT * FROM users
WHERE user='" . $_POST['user'] . "'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$rowcount = mysql_num_rows($result);

$query = "SELECT * FROM users
WHERE email='" . $_POST['email'] . "'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$rowcount2 = mysql_num_rows($result);

if($rowcount != 0)
echo "The username you entered is taken... please enter another. ";

elseif($rowcount2 != 0)
echo "The email you entered is taken... please enter another. ";

$query = "INSERT INTO users (user, password, usergroup, email)
values('".$_POST['user']."', '".md5($_POST['password'])."', 'user', '".$_POST['email']."')";

July 26 02009, 16:52 GMT
Kelp is good!

Pikachu's avatar
Location: California
Post count: 50
See, the problem with this is that you're using an if-else. What if both the username and email are taken? The if-else statement will only be able to echo the first one. This is solved with by making them separate if statements:
if($rowcount != 0)
echo "The username you entered is taken... please enter another. ";
if($rowcount2 != 0)
echo "The email you entered is taken... please enter another. ";
if($rowcount != 0)
echo "The username you entered is taken... please enter another. ";
if($rowcount2 != 0)
echo "The email you entered is taken... please enter another. ";

Now, if both the username and email are taken, both statements will be echoed.

Linux | Chrome | Python | Chuck

July 27 02009, 21:47 GMT
A Pythonic One

Peter's avatar
Location: US
Post count: 99

Ok, I hadn't considered that. xD But it's fixed now. I've added a lot of other conditions, too. The basic system works... now I just have to add everything else. @_@ Coding is enjoyable.

"Thanks, Pikachu," said Ash.

How would I echo only a certain amount of information from a MySQL table? Three rows, for example.

July 28 02009, 00:11 GMT
Kelp is good!

Pikachu's avatar
Location: California
Post count: 50
Using LIMIT:
$query = "SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 3";
$query = "SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 3";

That should echo the first three rows. I haven't tested it out, but if it doesn't work, try:
$query = "SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 0, 3";
$query = "SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 0, 3";

And you're welcome, I'm always here to help.

Linux | Chrome | Python | Chuck

August 07 02009, 18:11 GMT
A Pythonic One

Peter's avatar
Location: US
Post count: 99

More problems. T_T

//Insert an update 
function inUpdate($title, $update)
$user = "Zack";
$query = "INSERT INTO updates (title, update, date, user)
values('" . $title . "', '" . $update . "', CURDATE(), '" . $user . "')";

mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
//Insert an update
function inUpdate($title, $update)
$user = "Zack";
$query = "INSERT INTO updates (title, update, date, user)
values('" . $title . "', '" . $update . "', CURDATE(), '" . $user . "')";

mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

databaseConnect("", "zack_oumc", "******", "oumc_common");

$title = $_POST['title'];
$update = $_POST['update'];


echo "You left the title field blank! ";

if(strlen($title) > 50)
echo "Your title cannot be longer than fifty characters. ";


cleanString($title, $update, $_COOKIE['user']);

echo "You left the update field blank! ";

if(strlen($update) > 500)
echo "The length of an update cannot exceed 500 characters. ";


if($okay == 4)
inUpdate($title, $update);

echo "something's up...";

<form action="cms.php" method="post">
Update Title:
<input type="text" name="title">

<textarea name="update">
databaseConnect("", "zack_oumc", "******", "oumc_common");

$title = $_POST['title'];
$update = $_POST['update'];


echo "You left the title field blank! ";

if(strlen($title) > 50)
echo "Your title cannot be longer than fifty characters. ";


cleanString($title, $update, $_COOKIE['user']);

echo "You left the update field blank! ";

if(strlen($update) > 500)
echo "The length of an update cannot exceed 500 characters. ";


if($okay == 4)
inUpdate($title, $update);

echo "something's up...";

<form action="cms.php" method="post">
Update Title:
<input type="text" name="title">

<textarea name="update">
Apparently since UPDATE is a MySQL command you can't name a column that. xD 

Apparently since UPDATE is a MySQL command you can't name a column that. xD]]>

September 25 02009, 23:16 GMT
A Pythonic One

Peter's avatar
Location: US
Post count: 99

More problems :D

This is back to my other site, which is in PHP.

Sorry about the double post :/

$post = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['post']));
$title = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['title']));
$pid = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['postid']));

$query = "UPDATE posts SET title='$title' and post='$post'
WHERE id='$pid'";

mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
echo "Two.";

$pid = $_GET['pid'];
echo "One.";
$query = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id='" . $pid ."'";

$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

$array = mysql_fetch_array($result);

<form action="?id=edit" method="post">
<input type="text" name="title" class="text" value="<?php echo $array['title']; ?>" />
<input type="text" name="postid" class="hidden" value="<?php echo $array['id']; ?>" />

<textarea name="post" class="text">
echo $array['post'];

<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
$post = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['post']));
$title = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['title']));
$pid = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['postid']));

$query = "UPDATE posts SET title='$title' and post='$post'
WHERE id='$pid'";

mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
echo "Two.";

$pid = $_GET['pid'];
echo "One.";
$query = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id='" . $pid ."'";

$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

$array = mysql_fetch_array($result);

<form action="?id=edit" method="post">
<input type="text" name="title" class="text" value="<?php echo $array['title']; ?>" />
<input type="text" name="postid" class="hidden" value="<?php echo $array['id']; ?>" />

<textarea name="post" class="text">
echo $array['post'];

<input type="submit" value="Submit" />

It just modifies a post. But when I try to update, it just inserts 0 into the database.

September 26 02009, 00:42 GMT

Faltzer's avatar
Location: Glendale, New York
Post count: 38
Why are you not treating $pid as an integer and type-casting it, and why are you quoting it in your MySQL query?

Why are you using a hidden field for something that should be in GET?

September 26 02009, 01:20 GMT
A Pythonic One

Peter's avatar
Location: US
Post count: 99

The first part of the if statement is for after the submission of the form. This is part of my Admin CP. The original URL is something like this: . It obviously shows up the the form what the MySQL table says. The second URL looks like this: .

Are you saying that I should treat the query with $pid like this:
$query = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id=".$pid; 
$query = "UPDATE posts SET title='$title' and post='$post'
WHERE id=".$pid;
$query = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id=".$pid;
$query = "UPDATE posts SET title='$title' and post='$post'
WHERE id=".$pid;


I don't think I understand lol

September 26 02009, 01:36 GMT

Faltzer's avatar
Location: Glendale, New York
Post count: 38
I don't know why you'd concatenate if you're already using interpolation. Just remove the single-quotes. And you shouldn't be using hidden form fields for that. All nitpicks aside, you're not being specific enough. Provide more information; i.e. your schema for said table.

September 26 02009, 02:01 GMT
A Pythonic One

Peter's avatar
Location: US
Post count: 99

id (primary key), 11 character integer, auto-incremental
title, 50 character varchar
user, 50 character varchar
date, date
post, 500 character varchar

I tried it with and without concatenating. And the field post can be up to 500 characters, while the max for a GET variable is 100.

September 26 02009, 02:23 GMT

Faltzer's avatar
Location: Glendale, New York
Post count: 38
Unless you want your posts to only be 500 characters, I suggest you make it a TEXT field instead of a VARCHAR. Either way, I modified the script, and it seems to work on my end. I've added logic, also eliminated a possible SQL injection. I coded it in accordance to your style; although coding islands are messy any. Try it out:

if (isset($_GET['pid']))
$pid = (int) $_GET['pid'];
if (isset($_POST['submit']))
$post = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['post']));
$title = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['title']));
$query = "UPDATE posts SET title = '$title', post = '$post' WHERE id = $pid;";
if (mysql_affected_rows())
echo 'Updated';
echo '<p>Failed to edit the post.</p>';

$query = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = '{$pid}';";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (mysql_num_rows($result))
$array = mysql_fetch_array($result);
<form action="?id=edit&pid=<?php echo $pid; ?>" method="post">
<td><input type="text" name="title" class="text" value="<?php echo $array['title']; ?>" /></td>

<td><textarea name="post" class="text"><?php echo $array['post']; ?></textarea> </td>

<td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /> </td>
echo 'The post does not exist.';
echo '<p>You have not specified a post to edit.</p>';
if (isset($_GET['pid']))
$pid = (int) $_GET['pid'];
if (isset($_POST['submit']))
$post = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['post']));
$title = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['title']));
$query = "UPDATE posts SET title = '$title', post = '$post' WHERE id = $pid;";
if (mysql_affected_rows())
echo 'Updated';
echo '<p>Failed to edit the post.</p>';

$query = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = '{$pid}';";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (mysql_num_rows($result))
$array = mysql_fetch_array($result);
<form action="?id=edit&pid=<?php echo $pid; ?>" method="post">
<td><input type="text" name="title" class="text" value="<?php echo $array['title']; ?>" /></td>

<td><textarea name="post" class="text"><?php echo $array['post']; ?></textarea> </td>

<td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /> </td>
echo 'The post does not exist.';
echo '<p>You have not specified a post to edit.</p>';

September 26 02009, 12:29 GMT
A Pythonic One

Peter's avatar
Location: US
Post count: 99

Thank you. ^-^ I found the problem with my original code. Rather than saying "title='$title', post='$post'," I said, "title='$title' and post='$post'."


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