Critiques and comments

Sinister (2012)

Just when my appetite for the horror film genre was starting to come back after getting a bad case of film poisoning from V/H/S, Sinister came along to stir up the queasiness again.

It's not all bad; the movie's creepiness really comes through thanks primarily to the soundtrack and the well-designed disturbing snuff films shown therein. It doesn't even really feel like a horror film for the most part, more like an uneasy thriller. Unfortunately, though I quite like the idea of the film and where it could have gone, the poorly thought through plot and diluted action weigh it down quite a bit.

Pretty much better than any other horror films I've sat through recently, and definitely more interesting (plus, the soundtrack is truly amazing and perhaps lost on the movie (except when Hawke is watching the comically titled Super 8 films, which are pretty good sequences)). However, once again this film disappoints as "just another horror film". Perhaps calling it a mix of Paranormal Activity and Twilight is a bit cruel (because it's better than both films combined) but Sinister brings the same sort of forgettable entertainment, and sometimes it doesn't bring any entertainment at all (a multitude of moments when I nearly fell asleep).

In short, the sinister films within Sinister and the protagonist's office with printouts and crypric clues provide the last few centimeters of interestingness to which the movie hangs, dangerously flailing above the voids of oblivion, throwing a couple of jump scares and its undeserved soundtrack above, in a failed hope of not vanishing from our memories entirely.

Rating: 3.0 / 5
Posted at: Dec 09, 2012 @ 16:53:52
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