#1 - Structure of the World

posted on Jun 12 2008 @ 22:35:18


The much awaited first shinyshell comic! I hope the not-so-stellar illustration isn't unbearably abhorrent to you.

Well anyway, the guy in red is Navarr, I'm the other. I wish it was clear from the drawing, but since I did this with my mouse (I don't have a tablet... yet), I think it's within acceptable levels. And you might not know what Navarr looks like, so I'd better tell you it's him (@Navarr - you probably didn't know you looked like this either until I told you so just now xDD)

So, err... enjoy. I promise the immediately subsequent issues will be even better.

Kat's avatar
Dec 12 02008 @ 20:54:39
You're such a nerd.

Hey hey that's not necessarily a BAD thing..

Kthar's avatar
Aug 20 02008 @ 17:55:48
Once one is able to distinguish black from death metal, one can never be subtle enough. As a matter of fact, one becomes very sensitive to those vast differences. That's why people who listen to black don't necessarily listen to death metal. To me, this is...not a comic. I repeat not a comic. But I'd guess it's good anyways.

lec's avatar
Aug 07 02008 @ 21:05:28
kthar, if you read the first sentence in the description carefully, you'll notice that I said "shinyshell comic". I hereby define this to be a comic. Now kindly cease your attempts to demonstrate your superior subtlety in comic-related matters.

Kthar's avatar
Jul 31 02008 @ 20:05:40
you can't exactly classify this as a comic. a caricature maybe, but it's not a comic. some day you'll have to explain to me that key-value pairs so that I can annoy people with jokes they don't understand.

Navarr's avatar
Jun 14 02008 @ 16:38:06
Haha.. I won't disagree thats what I look like, but I do believe my hair might be longer =p

And seriously dude, you really, truly don't have to structure everything as a key=>value pair!

lec's avatar
Jun 12 02008 @ 22:57:08
Test... why's this appearing all the way down here?
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