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Eurovision (or is it Eurosong) song contest - why is it so bad?


May 25 02008, 11:21 GMT
Krme jedno bezglavo

Kthar's avatar
Location: kroatie
Post count: 106
This years was just as bad as every other year. "Listenable" songs could be counted on the fingers of one hand. The slovenian host was drunk or under effect of some "medicaments" when he said, quote:"Dobra veče braćo Srbi.". What was that? As usual the country with the gretest number of neighbouring countries won. Furthermore, I noticed that almost everyone sang in english which I think was very bad and, moreover, they even copy/pasted the american style in performing, the sound of the song, everything really and that sucked...big time. Why the f*** is everyone copying americans? It's disastrous, within 10 years time, no one listening to such song will have any taste for music whatsoever. .......take a little trip back with father Tiresias. Listen to the old one sings of all he has lived through. I have crossed between the poles, for me there's no mystery. Once a man like the sea I raged, once a woman like the earth I gave. There is in fact more earth than sea.......

May 25 02008, 12:58 GMT
Supra stultitiam

lec's avatar
Location: Varaždin, Croatia
Post count: 173
You can't say that, some songs were ok. Apart from being the political show Eurosong is, I spent an enjoyable hour or so watching it. This year I switched off the TV before the voting, because last year's voting scared the bejesus out of me, and made me realise what an ill place Europe is. Also that 99% of Europeans don't know the distinction between music and non-music.

So I watch the performances, and reach my own conclusion about who the winner is (it's simpler). Last year Slovenia won, and this year it was Spain. There were some ok songs there, it isn't all that bad now that the entries are no longer "bubblegum pop" like before.

So if you're prepared to ignore the drama and remains of bubblegum pop, it can be something worth watching.

P.S. was that quote really so surprising?

May 25 02008, 19:00 GMT
Krme jedno bezglavo

Kthar's avatar
Location: kroatie
Post count: 106
that spanish idiot was the best, in your opinion? I know you've been drinking a lot of šljivovca lately, but I never thought it could affect you that much. any, yes, the quote was überstupid. I don't think I'll watch eurosong ever again. and, by the way, do you want me to bring you Baldur's Gate II tomorrow? Because, I thought, you might want to try it out. It's an amazing multiplayer experience. You should try it.


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