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Progress on Sunlight BB


March 07 02009, 21:55 GMT
Supra stultitiam

lec's avatar
Location: Varaždin, Croatia
Post count: 173

I've taken my "framework" from Shinyshell, which is actually a bunch of classes and functions that I use for easier development on the site, and I've stripped it of any site-specific stuff. I'm going to take the code for the forums and re-build them around this, using existing code, but changing a lot of things I don't like about the way it's currently written.

The focus in the current version was simplicity and a basic level of usability ("make it work with minimum effort"). In the release version, I'll be focusing more on attaining enterprise-level scalability and speed, while maintaining my promise of a feature-rich, modular and usable system.

What will this mean? I'm essentially re-writing the forum. However, I'll be doing this on my personal computer, and not on the live version on this site. This way, I will have a suitable and possibly competitive bulletin board that may well be my first product.

This will involve me making an admin control panel, installer and writing a bunch of documentation for users. I'll have to set aside an hour or so each day in order to take on this rather big project successfully.

I've a few ideas for more features which I will make. I know Nick and Kthar both want to use Sunlight BB, so worry not. The release version will include all the things the current system has, but will have many other useful things you expect a forum system to have (like thread marking/lightbulb system, attachments and a proper user control panel).

I'm pretty excited about it, and also disturbed by the fact that I've become very lazy and unwilling to write any code. I'm pretty determined to make this thing work.

Also, Kthar's going to be paying quite a sum for a SunlightBB licence. 1400 kn, to be exact, which is about $240. Many other people will have free licences, and many won't need a licence at all to run it. Basically, the rule of thumb will be: if you know me in real life, you pay. Else, you can't pay me, so I don't mind.

March 07 02009, 22:48 GMT
Krme jedno bezglavo

Kthar's avatar
Location: kroatie
Post count: 106
Yeah, I pay some hefty sums of money just to have a copy of Sunlight BB, running it is a different question. Moreover, I'll be Lec's manager and all that because he wouldn't take any money if he were the only person on the earth (all the sailors will go out to the sea due to the recession on the mainland). Minimalism is the best way to go; just remember the prophetic words Mies once said: The less is more. You should put up some midi background. The ideal "music" would be Daniel-san from Karat-Kid, or Master Miyagi, who is, by the way, from Okinawa, saying "Wax on! Wax off!" because everything's shining on this site. Cheers!!

March 08 02009, 01:37 GMT
merciful justice

Nick's avatar
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Post count: 78
As I've said, I'll be more than happy to test the system. In fact, I'm really excited about the whole thing :DDD

March 08 02009, 11:41 GMT
Krme jedno bezglavo

Kthar's avatar
Location: kroatie
Post count: 106
Indeed, Nick. I'm currently browsing for cat o' nine tails so that I can provide Lec with some inspiration to finish this as soon as possible. He managed to make the "see the previous posts" feature in several minutes so I believe that the entire system should be done in several hours.


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