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April 20 02009, 06:33 GMT
merciful justice

Nick's avatar
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Post count: 78
Okay, seeing as I can't catch you over IM, here's what I'm having trouble with:

First, time stamps - how do I convert them to a readable and understandable format?

Second, what can I use as a Python alternative to PHP's "nl2br" function?

Next, how do I send e-mails from within a script? For instance, if I wanted to an e-mail to myself to alert me of the latest error report?

Finally, what would be the best way to code a search function?

Thannnk you. If you hadn't read my latest update, I've decided to finish the features first, and then the content and layouts :D


April 21 02009, 21:01 GMT
Supra stultitiam

lec's avatar
Location: Varaždin, Croatia
Post count: 173

I believe I provided you with the timeformat() function (it should be among the generic functions like unicode_safe() and htmlspecialchars(). The first parameter is a formatting string (much like PHP's date() or gmdate() function that you might already be familar with). The format characters are slightly different though - they're in the table on this page.

So, for example, to print out "April 21 2009, 22:16", call the timeformat function with the following parameters: ("%B %d %Y, %H:%M", time.time() )

The nl2br function just inserts a <br /> before any newlines in the provided string. Newlines are "\n" characters. You could just use the replace() method of string objects:

text = "your text with newline chars\nWoop!" 
print text.replace("\n", "<br />\n")
text = "your text with newline chars\nWoop!"
print text.replace("\n", "<br />\n")

Sending email
There's a cute little library for sending mail over SMTP - smtplib. Combine this with the MIMEText object from the email lib. Here's a demonstration

import smtplib 
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText

# set up a MIMEText object (it's a dictionary)
msg = MIMEText("Hello World")

# you can use add_header or set headers directly
msg["Subject"] = "Python mail test"

# these headers are useful to show the email
# correctly in your recipient's inbox, and to
# avoid being marked as spam. They are NOT
# essential to the sendmail call later
msg["From"] = "Nemo Nihil <>"
msg["Reply-to"] = "Nemo Nihil <>"
msg["To"] = ""

# establish an SMTP object and connect to a
# mail server if the script isn't running ON
# the mail server itself
s = smtplib.SMTP()

# send the email - real from, real to,
# extra headers and content
"", # actual sender
"", # actual recipient
import smtplib
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText

# set up a MIMEText object (it's a dictionary)
msg = MIMEText("Hello World")

# you can use add_header or set headers directly
msg["Subject"] = "Python mail test"

# these headers are useful to show the email
# correctly in your recipient's inbox, and to
# avoid being marked as spam. They are NOT
# essential to the sendmail call later
msg["From"] = "Nemo Nihil <>"
msg["Reply-to"] = "Nemo Nihil <>"
msg["To"] = ""

# establish an SMTP object and connect to a
# mail server if the script isn't running ON
# the mail server itself
s = smtplib.SMTP()

# send the email - real from, real to,
# extra headers and content
"", # actual sender
"", # actual recipient

You need to specify an SMTP server. might work while Kat hosts you. I haven't tested this yet.

It's probably best to add a row called "tags" to content like articles and news entries. Then users can search by this keyword (you can actually list them).

Otherwise, since your database isn't going to be lord knows how large, I recommend just using SQL's LIKE condition to search content fields. Do this for every table you think is relevant, and list out the results if anything was found.

SELECT * FROM articles 
WHERE content LIKE '%search terms%'
SELECT * FROM articles
WHERE content LIKE '%search terms%'

I also recommend making a list of keywords that don't get searched for, stuff like "a, the, most, I, be, ..." - you get the drift.

April 22 02009, 11:22 GMT
merciful justice

Nick's avatar
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Post count: 78
Thanks for all that.

However, there's an error with your timeformat function:


<type 'exceptions.TypeError'> Python 2.5.4: /home/nickyn00/bin/python
Wed Apr 22 04:20:40 2009

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.
/home/.keerokee/nickyn00/ in ()
21 for story in news:
22 time = electron.misc.timeformat("%B %d %Y, %H:%M", story)
24 T_content += """<div class='newsParent'>
time undefined, electron = <module 'electron' from '/home/.keerokee/nickyn00/'>, electron.misc = <module 'electron.misc' from '/home/.keerokee/nickyn00/'>, electron.misc.timeformat = <function timeformat at 0x4064c614>, story = {'id': 4L, 'news': 'Did I say 90%? Hah, I wrote like two pieces. HOW...elpful for monitoring progress. Okay, so yeah. :D', 'status': 1L, 'time': '1240146898.6104', 'title': 'Off Holidays...'}
/home/nickyn00/ in timeformat(format='%B %d %Y, %H:%M', timestamp='1240146898.6104')
89 timestamp = time.time()
91 return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime(format)
93 def unicode_safe(object, type):
global datetime = <module 'datetime' from '/home/nickyn00/bin/build/lib.linux-i686-2.5/'>, datetime.datetime = <type 'datetime.datetime'>, datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp = <built-in method utcfromtimestamp of type object at 0x40468180>, timestamp = '1240146898.6104', ).strftime undefined, format = '%B %d %Y, %H:%M'

<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: a float is required
args = ('a float is required',)
message = 'a float is required'

Working great, thank you. I've made my own linebreaks() function and everything!

Sending emails
Eurgh not working...! D:

The e-mail sends, and I receive it, but the e-mail is blank, with an attachment named "noname" (probably gmail's doing), which contains the message (which contains %s as opposed to the actual variable).

April 23 02009, 10:48 GMT
Supra stultitiam

lec's avatar
Location: Varaždin, Croatia
Post count: 173

That's because the second argument has to be a float, as that error states. You're passing a string:

time = electron.misc.timeformat("%B %d %Y, %H:%M", '1240146898.6104') 
time = electron.misc.timeformat("%B %d %Y, %H:%M", '1240146898.6104')

it should be:

time = electron.misc.timeformat("%B %d %Y, %H:%M", 1240146898.6104) 
time = electron.misc.timeformat("%B %d %Y, %H:%M", 1240146898.6104)

A quick fix for this would be just to call the float() function on the second argument.

Great :)

Sending emails
Hmm, I'm not sure exactly why that is happening. My guess is that you're not specifying a MIME-type for the attached document (text/plain or text/html) so Gmail isn't showing it as the contents.

I'll check this out a little more, I guess you should experiment with it a little, see if you can get it working before then.


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