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Extensions in Google Chrome


May 29 02009, 22:44 GMT
merciful justice

Nick's avatar
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Post count: 78
Keynote Presentation

This sounds pretty awesome, the way they've set it up. I could easily see myself developing extensions for Chrome.

Basically, each extension is coded in html/ajax, making it rather easy to create extensions. I can't wait!

May 30 02009, 22:39 GMT
Krme jedno bezglavo

Kthar's avatar
Location: kroatie
Post count: 106
Hmm, I haven't actually read it, but I'll just stick to Opera. I heard stories of Chrome beijing the fastest browser around, but also of some privacy realted issues. I don't know nothin' 'bout nobody no more, old Moe told Noodles. Yeah, it figures. I brought back the key to your clock.

May 31 02009, 17:18 GMT
Supra stultitiam

lec's avatar
Location: Varaždin, Croatia
Post count: 173

Whoa... indeed, it's truly exciting!

It's a bit like how many of DreamWeaver's features are scripted in JavaScript, it just makes extending or changing something so much easier.

Thanks for sharing this

June 01 02009, 16:16 GMT
A Pythonic One

Peter's avatar
Location: US
Post count: 99

That's fascinating. Maybe I'll learn to write custom ones for easy access. Hopefully someone will come up with a built-in HTML validator like is available in Firefox.

The presentation gave me a headache because I hate JavaScript; I need to go through some more tutorials. -_^

I'm sure that this will make Chrome more popular. It's a lightning-fast browser; cold starts of other browsers are incomparable.

This is cool.

June 01 02009, 20:55 GMT
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Kthar's avatar
Location: kroatie
Post count: 106
May it be so that Chrome is as cool as the proverbial southern pole, but it still can't contest with the true black metal trueness of Opera. Jer...ljudi! ljudi! Vi ne možeteee nikako proći maturu ako ne uključite sve one implikacije i komplikacije koje se tiču organizacije u protivnom će vam materijali ležati na tlo, a vi to niste isplanirali tj. isprogramirali. Jer planiranje jest programiranje.

The secreted text in croatian can only be understood by initiates who have read Desnica. Those who haven't will just have to pick some of his works up and start reading. I would recommend P.I.G., which doesn't stand for a certain domestic animal, but those are the first letters of the title of one of his most famous, and on of his finest, books. Respectively.

If you paid any notice on the time atwhich this post was posted, actually edited but when I think of it it just may be so that this forum software doesn't track it so I guess I'm forced to tell you, which is 00:53 CET, you may come to the following conclusio,-ionis,m : Dugo je kasno lijegao. I to bješe točno, jer dok tiho stajah predvratima (purposley without spacing for the sake of pronunciation) učini mi se da temperatura bješe pala ispod 270 K te bilo me strah da bi kvaka možda mogla biti hladna, a ne samo dvadesetidruga. što jest bila, jer smo, tj. moja majka, stanovali na šestom katu stare stambene zgrade a la unite de habilitation s potpisom gospodina Lekorbuzijea. KAo i svaka druga velika hrvatina, naravno da smatrah da pogriješno bibilo kada bih to drugčije napisao jer moja mati me poučila da vazda po vuku valja pisati. Ja ne znadoh tada da vuci išta umiju no klati i žderati, ali kad malo porastoh, otvore mi se oči i u jednom dokumentarcu gospodina sira, valjda Goude, Davida A. otkrih da su vuci zapravo vegeterijanci i da najviše vole koru stabala i branike automobila. Tad mi mudre riječi gospodina sira Davida A. koji reče da su psi nekakav rodu s psima, otkriše antičku tajnu zagonetk Homo homini lupus, sed non kupus, est. Bilo je tu neke čudne, prozaične, gotovo slobodne rime, u tim starim ispucalim parketima koji su vapili za lakiranjem i voštanom budućnošću. Jer što je čovjek ako ne 'tica na grani koja pjeva anti-trustovske zakone. Podijeli, pa ostani bezičega, amice me! Ecce goggle(s)! Swordfish, yes I would like....mumbo-jumbo in the rythme of sambo....tu-li-lu-li-la......prrrrrrrrrrrddddddd..........that's short for public relations division but the sound must have bin a bit Osama.........I need more gain, there's not enough distort.....I turned the TV on when I realised I spelt it with an.....escargo roti, for your dis....gustibus, but yes......tender, love me tru,,,,,,,ly, the beefsteak was ten....out of hundred, which mean it was extraordinary......bad.....did I say......badel...but violence in case of bad TV prog........ressive house and trance..........when did you find out it had no windows.......'twas a terrible gain a new level and an extra, a black pair of sock......ets seem to malfunction, it doesn't recognise my.......neck? no............and don't only Money, I pre.............judy, ceci est un pC without a circum....stance of the liberal party is such they deci...mate of his and he spontaneously....combed their hair while being busted for using american slang....They shall not have it alive!!!!!!

June 02 02009, 23:19 GMT
Krme jedno bezglavo

Kthar's avatar
Location: kroatie
Post count: 106
I hope this topic lived up to its expectations.

August 29 02009, 17:39 GMT

SpaceMan's avatar
Location: Earth
Post count: 32
Chrome even lacks the feature of RSS.
Chrome ext dev'ment is easier than Firefox ext dev'ment.
I'm going to make a simple ad blocker extension first.


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